
Generate docs from a cookiecutter template. Pre-commit hook and github-action


Cookiecutter is a powerful tool to create templates for all sorts of projects, but one of its downsides is it relies on a plain JSON file for its input (cookiecutter.json). Because JSON does not allow comments, you cannot document your inputs without writing the documentation separately.

cookiecutter-autodocs allows you to write your Cookiecutter’s input as a Toml file, cookiecutter.desc. In this file you can add defaults, info about the variable type, and a description of each variable.

An example cookiecutter.desc

default = "new_project"
description = "The name of the project."
type = "string"

default = "3.11.2"
description = "What python version to use with this project"
type = "string"

default = []
description = "What dev requirements does this project have"
type = "list(string)"

default = ""
description = "Who's the author?"
type = "string"

This would generate into the following cookiecutter.json

    "project_slug": "new_project",
    "python_version": "3.11.2",
    "dev_requirements": [],
    "author": ""

You can then use this cookiecutter.desc file to generate a cookiecutter.json file for your template as well as additional documentation, like a markdown table

cookiecutter-autodocs generate markdown cookiecutter.desc

|      name      |                 description                |  default  |    type    |required|
|  project_slug  |          The name of the project.          |new_project|   string   |  False |
| python_version |What python version to use with this project|   3.11.2  |   string   |  False |
|dev_requirements|What dev requirements does this project have|     []    |list(string)|  False |
|     author     |              Who's the author?             |           |   string   |  True  |


Install the package using your favorite python package manager

pip install cookiecutter-autodocs
pipx install cookiecutter-autodocs

The package is available on _pypi:

Cookiecutter-autodocs can also be used with _docker:, or in Github Actions or pre-commit.

Indices and tables#