Quick Start#

Writing a cookiecutter.desc#

A cookiecutter.desc is a TOML document that describes the cookiecutter.json you want to produce with it. An example might look like this:

description="The project's slug"
default = ""
type = "str"

default = "3.11.2"
description = "What python version to use with this project"
type = "str"

default = ""
description = "Who's the author?"
type = "str"

default = 7
description = "Just a number"
type = "int"

default = ["mycustom.JinjaExtension"]
description = "Extensions for this template"
type = "list"

With this cookiecutter.desc, you can generate a cookiecutter.json file for your template.

cookiecutter-autodocs generate cookiecutter cookiecutter.desc
Generated cookiecutter.json from cookiecutter.desc

cat cookiecutter.json
   "project_slug": "",
   "python_version": "3.11.2",
   "author": "",
   "number": 7
   "_extensions": ["mycustom.JinjaExtension"]

Generating a cookiecutter.desc from an existing template#

cookiecutter-autodocs can also generate a new cookiecutter.desc from a cookiecutter.json.

cookiecutter-autodocs generate desc cookiecutter.json
Generating a new cookiecutter.desc file at cookiecutter.desc
Generated cookiecutter.desc from cookiecutter.json

cat cookiecutter.desc
description = ""
default = ""
type = "str"
required = true

description = ""
default = "3.11.2"
type = "str"
required = false

description = ""
default = ""
type = "str"
required = true

description = ""
default = 7
type = "int"
required = false

default = ["mycustom.JinjaExtension"]
description = ""
type = "list"

You can then fill in descriptions for each variable and use the cookiecutter.desc to keep the cookiecutter.json up to date as the template changes. cookiecutter-autodocs will always try to update an existing desc or json file

Generating markdown from a cookiecutter.desc#

Note: This feature is still in development.

cookiecutter-autodocs can also generate markdown documentation from a cookiecutter.desc. This is useful for keeping documentation up to date as the template changes.

cookiecutter-autodocs generate markdown cookiecutter.desc
|      name      |description|default|type|required|
|  project_slug  |           |       | str|  True  |
| python_version |           | 3.11.2| str|  False |
|dev_requirements|           |   []  |list|  False |
|     author     |           |       | str|  True  |
|     number     |           |   7   | int|  False |

Pre-commit and Github Actions#

cookiecutter-autodocs also offers a Github Action and Pre-commit hooks to use in your projects.