Pre-commit Hooks#

cookiecutter autodocs offers two pre-commit hooks to use in your project:

  • cookiecutter-autodocs-generate: Will generate a cookiecutter.json for any cookiecutter.desc in the commit/repo. Assumes the cookiecutter.json is in the same directory as the cookiecutter.desc. Useful to automatically sync changes from your cookiecutter.desc to your cookiecutter.json on commit.

  • cookiecutter-autodocs-validate: Validates cookiecutter.desc/json combos. Assumes the files live next to each other in a directory. See Validation <validation-label> for more info on validation

Pre-commit Quickstart#

To use cookiecutter autodocs with pre-commit, add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:

- repo:
  # Pick a tag or sha to point at, or use latest
  rev: latest
    - id: cookiecutter-autodocs-generate
    - id: cookiecutter-autodocs-validate