Github Actions#

cookiecutter-autodocs offers a Github Action you can use with your project.

Github Actions Quickstart#

You can use the Github Action by adding the following to your .github/workflows/ directory:

You can use any of the CLI Commands <cli-label> by changing the action parameter.

Generated Docs#

<!– action-docs-description –> ## Description

Generate docs for a cookiecutter template’s inputs.

<!– action-docs-description –>

<!– action-docs-inputs –> ## Inputs

parameter | description | required | default |
- | - | - | - |
action | What action to take with this action. One of validate, generate-desc, generate-cookiecutter, or generate-markdown | false | validate |
cookiecutter_desc_file_path | Path to the cookiecutter.desc file | false | cookiecutter.desc |
cookiecutter_json_file_path | Path to your the cookiecutter.desc file | false | cookiecutter.json |
allow_empty_descriptions | Whether to allow an entry in cookiecutter.desc to have an empty description (blank string) when validating | false | false |

<!– action-docs-inputs –>

<!– action-docs-outputs –>

<!– action-docs-outputs –>

<!– action-docs-runs –> ## Runs

This action is a docker action.

<!– action-docs-runs –>